Cubans Thank Zapatistas for Their Show of Solidarity

Workers at the Martin Luther King Center in Havana, Cuba received 8 tons of corn and 400 liters of gasoline from Zapatista communities nustled in the highlands and jungles of Chiapas, Mexico. The center will distribute the aid in the coming weeks.

A letter signed by the Center’s employees states, "[The Center] profoundly thanks the fraternal gesture from the communities and Zapatista support bases…"

Workers also jokingly lamented that no Zapatistas had accompanied the corn to be able to teach the Cuban recipients how to make tortillas.

Zapatista Sub-commandante Marcos, known in his current travels as Delegate Zero of "the other campaign," promised the aid in the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, issued in 2005.

"There are those who think that the people of Cuba and the Zapatistas have never met. We attest that our friendship with you is something special, and for that we are also very moved, because it is as if to again savor the corn that you once offered us," continued the letter.