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Anti-Ulises: A Day In the Life of a Simmering City

June 3, 2008 Ramor Ryan 0

Teachers March, May 15: The March of the Umbrellas [Photo courtesy of Noticias, Oaxaca]

Oaxaca City, Mexico, May 15 – Midnight in Oaxaca, and walking around the historic center, it’s almost as if nothing had ever happened here. The bourgeoisie sit around under the colonial arches in the long stretch of French-style outdoor cafes lining the central plaza. Aside from being beset by a small army of ambulant trinket vendors and beggars, the well-heeled citizens sipping cappuccinos seem very at ease with the world. […]

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Mexico’s Battle Over Oil

May 19, 2008 Laura Carlsen 0

Source: Americas Program On April 8, President Felipe Calderon dropped a political bomb on the Mexican political scene. The Senate received an executive initiative that would fundamentally change the structure and operations of the oil […]

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UN: Mexico Violating Human Rights of Migrants

March 25, 2008 Cyril Mychalejko 0

Dr. Jorge Bustamante

Jorge Bustamante, the U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, said that there are "reports of rampant impunity for instances of corruption, including bribery and extortion, violence against women, and trafficking in children…[and] that the impunity seems to be linked to abuses of power at the municipal, state and federal levels."


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Reciclamos! Is Community Recycling a Sustainable Livelihood in Coastal Mexico?

Luz and Marta spend their days sorting through the old beer bottles and plastic milk jugs of Mexican residents and tourists alike, but they aren’t doing it on top of a garbage dump, as happens in many other Mexican cities and in developing countries around the world. In San Pancho, Nayarit, a growing town on the west coast of Mexico, a non-profit started by an American ex-patriot seeks to channel the influx of tourist dollars into education and livelihood programs that also clean up the environment. 


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Reclaiming Culture: Que Viva la Posada!

February 20, 2008 Aryeh Shell 0

Twelve immigrant women stand in a circle, and reflect on the importance of their annual Posada and Pastorela celebration in the Mayfair community of east San José, California. The women are members of Familias Unidas (United Families), which is dedicated to raising awareness and analysis of issues facing this small barrio of 20,000 residents that was historically called “Sal Si Puedes” (Get out if you can). […]

The First Zapatista Women’s Encuentro: A Collective Voice of Resistance

Just after midnight on January 1st, was the 14th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising, and the caracol of La Garrucha was alive with celebration. This night marked the end of the third Encuentro [Gathering] of the Zapatistas with the People of the World, and the first Encuentro of Zapatista Women and the Women of the world.


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