Honduras: Model Cities Law Unconstitutional

Source: Honduras Culture and Politics

The law enabling Regiones Especialles de Desarrollo (RED) sometimes referred to as Model or Charter Cities, has been found unconstitutional by the Constitutional Law branch of the Supreme Court in Honduras.  Justices  José Antonio Gutiérrez, José Ruíz, Gustavo Enrique Bustillo, and  Edith María López voted to sustain the legal challenge brought in 2011.  Only justice Oscar Fernando Chinchilla voted to reject the legal challenge.

Justice Chinchilla traveled to southeast Asia to visit Korean economic development zones with President of the Senate Juan Orlando Hernandez and refused to recuse himself from the case.

Because the decision was not unanimous, Chief Justice Jorge Rivera Aviles will have to assemble the full court of 15 justices and get their votes over the next 10 days before there is a final determination.