Crisis in Bolivia (3/24/05)
On May 6, President Carlos Mesa caught Bolivia off-guard. He announced that as a result of continual protests and growing blockades, he was no longer willing to, "govern based on the crazy things different sectors […]
On May 6, President Carlos Mesa caught Bolivia off-guard. He announced that as a result of continual protests and growing blockades, he was no longer willing to, "govern based on the crazy things different sectors […]
Haitian Justice Minister Bernard Gousse’s resignation could lead to a purge of the rest of the hapless Latortue government, including the interim prime minister himself. Escalating violence on the island still makes casting […]
Clinging to a rickety, brightly-colored jeep as it blindly rounds a dusty mountain road, I am reminded of the many times I was persuaded by other travelers into going to Colombia. As the dense vegetation […]
Samba, reggae and drum music pounded at the air above a sea of nylon tents. Earnest discussions sizzled in the steaming heat; people mopped sweat off their foreheads as sporadic protests clamored past. In the […]
Click here for coverage of this same story en espanol I first saw the deserts of the Argentine west while crammed in the backseat of a pickup with three other people. Two of those people […]
The old conference hall on the second floor of the cheap hotel in downtown Quito is packed with representatives from Ecuador’s indigenous groups. There is a hum of muffled conversation and the smell of wood […]
On August 23, the Rev. Pat Robertson called for the US government to suspend the Fifth Commandment and assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. While the Bush White House quickly distanced itself from the suggestion, the […]
FSLN temporarily blocking CAFTA from reaching National Assembly On Aug. 3 two committee reports on the Dominican Republic and Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) were submitted to the leadership of the National Assembly. The […]
In this interview Benjamin Dangl talks about his work reporting from Latin America, and discusses the social movements, grassroots media projects and natural resource struggles in the region. Tell us a little about yourself and […]
The ever-growing global controversy over genetically engineered (GE) crops is particularly intense in Latin America, which has become the biotech industry’s brave new frontier. In fact, South America alone has most of the world’s GE […]
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