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The World Social Forum and the Street in Caracas, Venezuela

Apartment in El 23

Caracas, Venezuela is a city made up of skyscrapers, colonial architecture and, wherever possible, the do-it-yourself tile and cement houses of poor neighborhoods, known as barrios.  Though the local mainstream media ignored the coming of the 2006 World Social Forum, Caracans themselves found out quickly as they watched a parade of activists from across the globe pour into their city waving banners, setting up tents and discussing the state of the world on park benches and hotel lobbies.


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Bush Using Implementation of CAFTA Agreement to Expand Corporate Rights in Central America

What does tightening intellectual property laws have to do with "free" trade? That’s the question many people in Central American and the Dominican Republic are asking as the United States Trade Representative continues to insist on dramatic changes to constitutional laws in the six countries involved in the US-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (otherwise known as CAFTA).


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Indigenous demand greater role at WSF

January 25, 2006 Cyril Mychalejko 0

The Inter Press Service (IPS) reports that indigenous activists and leaders are concerned about the lack of indigenous voices at the World Social Forum and believe indigenous issues have been marginalized. "Only a limited number […]

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Justice in Chile?

January 25, 2006 Cyril Mychalejko 0

Former Chilean dictator and U.S. government ally Augusto Pinochet was stripped of immunity from prosecution last week in 59 cases of torture and kidnapping. The Supreme Court must uphold the decision before the ex-dictator can […]

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Morales Announces Cabinet

January 25, 2006 Cyril Mychalejko 0

Bolivian President Evo Morales announced his cabinet on Monday, filling it with Indians, union leaders and intellectuals to set the poor South American country down a more socialist path. "There’s a clear intention to maintain […]

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The 2005 World Social Forum in Brazil

January 24, 2006 Benjamin Dangl 0

Maybe it had to do with the beer, or the heady mixture of languages, or the humidity, but it felt like something unique was growing out of the sweaty discussions and incessant drum circles. It wasn’t the same energy one feels at a large protest or indoor activist conference, and it was more than a tropical version of Woodstock. There was a feeling at the fifth annual World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil that something extraordinary was happening.


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Argentina: A Kindergarten Joins Movement

January 23, 2006 Sammy Loren, NACLA 0

The large brick building hangs heavy and desolate, lacking the welcoming pastel colors found at other Argentine kindergartens. But this is not a typical kindergarten; this is Crecer Imaginando en Libertad (Imagine Growing in Liberty, or CIEL), the kindergarten of a community education and cultural center in La Matanza, about two hours south of Buenos Aires.


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