Chile: The Rise of the Penguin Revolution
It was every adolescent revolutionary’s dream: schools throughout the country were occupied and the gates were barricaded.
It was every adolescent revolutionary’s dream: schools throughout the country were occupied and the gates were barricaded.
In early June U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick had the nerve to speak publicly against "interventionism" in Latin America at a meeting of the Organization of American States in the Dominican Republic.
June 1st marked the two-year anniversary of Tony Saca’s inauguration as El Salvador’s President.
"It was in Central America and Latin America more broadly, where an insurgent New Right first coalesced."
Chilean President Michele Bachelet traveled to Washington last week and held a by-all-accounts cordial meeting with US Pres. Bush. However, Bachelet failed to capitulate to US cajoling on at least two critical issues that represent […]
The Chilean President snubbed Bush when she failed to tip her hand on who Chile would support in the upcoming bid for a Latin American seat on the UN Security council. Two seats carrying two-year […]
For one month Santiago, Chile saw demonstrations by secondary school students who, as the central point of their demands, asked for the constitutional law of teaching (LOCE) to be repealed.
(Santiago de Chile / Especial) Desde hace un mes, Chile ha observado las manifestaciones de los estudiantes secundarios, que exigen como punto central de sus demandas la derogación de la Ley Orgánica Constitucional de Enseñanza […]
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