Month: October 2006

Una revolución democrática para Ecuador. Entrevista a Rafael Correa
Traducción para www.sinpermiso.info: Ramona Sedeño Il Manifesto Si sale elegido, pretende poner por obra una "revolución democrática". Y habla aquí del embrollo del dólar como moneda nacional, del tratado de libre comercio con los EUU, […]

Lessons from Bolivia’s “Black October” 2003
Source: The Andean Information Network Three years have passed since the resignation of Boliva President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada after security forces killed at least 59 civilians during protests. The violence and his resignation highlighted […]

What Future for Haiti? An Interview with Patrick Elie
This article was originally published on NACLA News, a new source of news and analysis on Latin America and the Caribbean produced by the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA). In February 2004, U.S. […]

Bolivia: Waiting for Nationalization
On May 1st, the day the Bolivian government announced the “nationalization” of the country’s vast oil and gas reserves, I went out to witness the symbolic takeover of a former Bolivian refinery that was privatized […]

Militares de Estados Unidos en Paraguay amenazan a la región
Traducido para Argenpress por Ernesto Carmona, quien organizo la informacion de UpsideDownWorld.org, Project Censored y los autores de arriba. Aqui esta la nota en Argenpress.info Quinientos efectivos militares de EEUU llegaron a Paraguay con aviones, armas […]