Month: October 2006

Landless Workers Movement: The Difficult Construction of a New World
Source: IRC Americas Breaking down the fences of the large estates was not as difficult as fighting the technological packages of the transnationals,” Huli recounts as he sits in his kitchen and pours hot water […]

UN Security Council Seat undecided
While four non-permanent seats in the United Nations Security Council were declared for General Assembly election winners Belgium, Indonesia, Italy and South Africa, the seat destined for a member of the Group of Latin American […]

Operation Thunder in Honduras
The recently created Honduran anti-delinquency task force Operación Trueno [Operation Thunder] proved critics fears on October 12, when a member of the force shot and killed an innocent citizen Henry Esaú García Fuentes, 25 years […]

Bush Family Residence in Paraguay?
The Governor of Alto Paraguay, Erasmo Rodríguez Acosta has admitted to hearing that George Bush Sr. owns land in the Chaco region of Paraguay, in Paso de Patria. Acosta says that rumor has it that […]

Tenemos que deshacer el Estado colonial. Entrevista Evo Morales
01/10/06 Mejor se conoce a las personas por la palma de la mano que por la expresión de la cara. Los presidentes se estrechan la mano, y hay manos blancas, blandas, manos limpias, manos […]

Fidel’s Health and Implications for U.S. Policy
Source: IRC Americas Fidel Castro’s recent announcement that he would temporarily transfer power to his brother Raul and others in the Cuban Government has led to much speculation about the course of events in both […]