Andean Trade Pacts are Election Casualties
Trade agreements with Colombia and Peru are unlikely to be passed any time soon as a result of the Democrats taking control of both the House and Senate. A group of Democrats recently sent a […]
Trade agreements with Colombia and Peru are unlikely to be passed any time soon as a result of the Democrats taking control of both the House and Senate. A group of Democrats recently sent a […]
The Brazilian Amazon is home to slave labor camps where workers make charcoal that helps produce pig iron used in cars, trucks and appliances—some manufactured and sold in the United States. “These are people who […]
Source: Toward Freedom The question of who wins the election race in Ecuador on November 26 may be overshadowed by the uncertainty over whether the winner will actually survive a full term. The politically unstable […]
Source: Toward Freedom "Nothing that has ever happened should be regarded as lost for history. To be sure, only a redeemed mankind receives the fullness of its past–which is to say, only for a redeemed […]
Source: IRC Americas A profound political crisis is shaking up Mexico. The rules that regulate the balance of power between elites have been violated. From above, there is no agreement or any possibility for one […]
"MG" es un delegado al Congreso de la APPO y co-coordinador de la barricada "Cinco Señores". Vive actualmente en la Ciudad Oaxaca con su esposa y sus dos hijos. Aunque se encuentra en la primera fila de la batalla, anteriormente fue Presidente Municipal en uno de los municipios donde hay mayor presencia indígena, uno de los más peleado en el estado. Esa experiencia, entre otros, le ha dado un profundo conocimiento de la política del estado y su funcionamiento.
Habló con el equipo de UDW sobre el movimiento detrás de la APPO y la esperanza, también tocamos el tema del movimiento en la práctica. Esta entrevista fue realizada el día 6 de Nov., antes de la sexta mega-marcha. Éste representa solo la primera parte de la entrevista. La segunda edición está por salir la próxima semana.
The FBI is guilty of destroying evidence against former CIA asset and suspected terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Posada is accused of masterminding the 1976 bombing attack that brought down a Cuban airliner, killing 73 people, […]
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