Year: 2006

Proyecto Minero Canadiense en Ecuador Manchado por Abusos contra los Derechos Humanos
"Bien venidos a Ascendant Copper, una compañía con responsabilidad social," afirma la página web de la Compañía minera. Ascendant también se jacta de ser miembro de la UN Global Compact. Irónicamente fue oficialmente aceptada en […]

Brazil: What Will A Second Term for Lula Look Like?
Source: Center for Economic and Policy Research For Immediate Release: September 22, 2006 Contact: Mark Weisbrot, 202-746-7264Dan Beeton, 202-256-6116 (cell) WASHINGTON – The Center For Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) today released its issue brief, “Brazil’s […]

Slave Labor in Brazil
Between 25,000 and 40,000 workers in Brazil are employed in situations analogous to slavery according to the ILO, the International Labor Organization. According to their report, titled ”Slave Labor in Brasil in the 21st century,” the practice is […]

Canadian Mining Woes in Guatemala
Nearly 2000 Mayan Indians occupied land in a mining concesion owned by a Canadian mining company. TheQ’eqchi Indians are demanding that the land be returned to them for subsistence farming. The country’s 1996 Peace […]

Resistance to Smelter in Trinidad
An agreement to build a $1.5 billion smelter in Soutwestern Trinidad by U.S. based ALCOA Inc. has caused continuous protests and left tens of thousands of residents worried about the environmental and social destruction it […]

El Rap en Aymara: El Hip Hop Boliviano como instrumento de la lucha
A 12 ooo pies de altitud, el movimiento de hip hop de El Alto es probablemente el más alto en el mundo. La música se mezcla con estilos folklóricos ancestrales y modernos sonidos del hip […]