Year: 2006

Planning for the Re-Colonization of Cuba
The Bush Administration’s "Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba," co-chaired by our Secretaries of State and Commerce, has presented a new report to our President this week. It’s a lengthy and comprehensive plan, detailing […]

Mexican Elections Mired in Anomalies
For five days following the July 2 presidential elections, Mexico was in the grip of anticipation as the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) labored to tally—or rig—the votes.

Between Electoral Theater and Revolution: Bolivia Looks Toward Rewriting its Constitution
Before Evo Morales won a landslide victory in the Bolivian presidential election on December 18, 2005, one of his key campaign promises was to organize a constituent assembly to rewrite the constitution.

Mujeres presas en situación precaria
29-06-2006 La ausencia de datos y el aumento de la población carcelaria femenina llevaron a la Pastoral Carcelaria y al Instituto Tierra Trabajo y Ciudadanía (ITTC), en cooperación con el Consejo Británico, a realizar un […]

Proposed Honduran Dam Would Displace 20,000
A controversial 1.5-billion dollar hydroelectric mega-dam on a river bordering Honduras and El Salvador could cause massive flooding, lead to the displacement of 20,000 people and lead to food insecurity. The project began three weeks […]

Oxy Gone, Protesters Target Another Oil Company in Ecuador
Following the recent success of the indigenous Ecuadoran struggle against Occidental Petroleum’s illegal poisoning and militarization of that country, 22,000 protesters in the northeastern province of Orellana took aim at French oil company Perenco. Residents […]

El Ferrocarril Ecuatoriano y lo que queda de él
Un poco de historia "El ferrocarril nos ha costado, y seguirá costándonos enormes sacrificios e inmensas privaciones, dinero, lágrimas y sangre", señaló en 1908 el diario El Comercio (Kim Clark) al referirse a la construcción de […]