Bolivia y el mandato progresista en Latinoamérica
13 de abril de 2006 El 21 de enero, en una colina cerca de La Paz, una ceremonia tradicional significó un importante viraje de la política boliviana y un hito para la Nueva Izquierda en […]
13 de abril de 2006 El 21 de enero, en una colina cerca de La Paz, una ceremonia tradicional significó un importante viraje de la política boliviana y un hito para la Nueva Izquierda en […]
The outcome of the November 2006 presidential elections in Nicaragua has become even more uncertain in the wake of the unexpected death of Herty Lewites, the presidential candidate for the Movimiento de Renovación Sandinista (MRS).
Originally published at the Center for Economic and Policy Research Original URL at CEPR Long-term growth failure, poverty, impact of U.S economy pose challenges For Immediate Release: June 23, 2006 Contact: Mark Weisbrot 202-746-7264 cellDan […]
Striking teachers in Oaxaca, Mexico said they would boycott this weekend’s Mexican Presidential election, but would cancel the boycott if contract negotiations with the government took a turn for the better. The National Union of […]
Supporters of ARENA party founder Roberto d’Aubuisson dedicated a monument in his honor in the San Salvador neighborhood of Antiguo Cuscatlan. The monument was installed through a pact between local government and COENA, the governing […]
The United States has launched a diplomatic offensive to block Venezuela’s bid for a two-year rotating seat on the United Nations Security Council. The U.S. instead is lobbying heavily for Guatemala to take over the seat being vacated by Argentina.
Over the course of forty years, Venezuela’s wealthy oligarchy plundered the nation’s wealth and turned a relatively prosperous country into one with 80 % of its people living in poverty.
The city of Neuquén is located in a dry and dusty valley in Northwestern Argentina.
Los Estados Unidos ha iniciado una ofensiva diplomática para bloquear el intento de Venezuela de ubicarse durante dos años en el puesto rotativo del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas. En vez, los E.U […]
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