Year: 2006

Mapuche Community Fights Airport
The indigenous community Ricardo Rayin is about 18 km south of the city of Temuco, in the Araucanía region of Chile . Araucanía, Chile‘s 9th region, 600 km south of Santiago, is home to 23.5 […]

“Copper War” in Ecuador: Ascendant Copper vs. Local Communities
It’s the kind of scenario that makes shambles out of the carefully crafted image the mining industry has spent millions on creating: A transnational mining company using retired military officials, military helicopters and hundreds of […]

U.S. Names Spy Chief for Cuba and Venezuela
U.S. "Intelligence Czar" John Negroponte appointed a former national security advisor for President Reagan as head of intelligence for Cuba and Venezuela on Nov. 27. Norman Bailey, a Latin American specialist and Cold War expert, […]

Diary of a Venezuelan Presidential Election
Source: Red Pepper [Chesa Boudin, author of The Venezuelan Revolution: 100 Questions-100 Answers, gives a first-hand account of Election Day in Caracas. –Ed] Loud fireworks woke me, and much of Caracas, up at 2.30am on […]