Month: September 2007

Colombia: Death Threats for Tracing Paramilitary Expansion
(IPS) – Death threats have been received by members of a think tank in the Colombian capital that published a new book describing the expansion of ultra-rightwing paramilitary militias in several provinces of Colombia and […]

After 22 years, UN votes on indigenous peoples declaration
Source: Survival International Twenty-two years of intensive debate and negotiations climax this week in New York, as the UN General Assembly votes on whether to approve the declaration on indigenous peoples’ rights. Canada, the USA, […]

Los secretos sucios de Barrick Gold
Fuente: Lavaca – Informe de Corpwatch, de Canadá – Un revelador y flamante informe de Corpwatch, organización de investigación y denuncia de las violaciones a los derechos humanos y los crímenes ambientales producidos por las […]

Bolivia: Sanchez de Lozada Extradition Request Official – Take Action!
On August 4th, 2007 in the city of Sucre, judicial capital of Bolivia, the Attorney General of Bolivia presented a request before the Supreme Court of Justice for the extradition of ex-president Gonzalo Sánchez de […]

SOA/WHINSEC Instructors Jailed for Involvement in Colombian Drug Cartel
Source: SOAW After barely averting a cut in funding by a six vote margin in Congress and becoming a focus of widespread criticism for its lack of transparency, the SOA/WHINSEC is once again making headlines […]