Year: 2007

Protests For and Against RCTV Continue in Caracas
Caracas, May 28, 2007 (venezuelanalysis.com)— The case of the private Venezuelan television channel RCTV going off the air due to the non-renewal of its broadcast license this Sunday provoked large protests in Caracas both in […]

Cierran la televisión golpista en Venezuela. ¿Por qué no en México?
Fuente: Rebelión 1. El próximo domingo 27 el pueblo venezolano debería brincar de alegría porque una televisora mentirosa y golpista, Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), saldrá del aire por desinformar de manera irresponsable a sus televidentes. […]

Urgent Solidarity With Paraguayan Campesinos
Lasojamata.org The MAP (Agrarian and Popular Movement), a Paraguayan campesino organization, is in a state of alert and requires international solidarity. A camp of landless youths from Pariri is being threatened with eviction, and there […]