Year: 2007

Honduras: Illegal Logging and Unpunished Assassinations
Tierramérica reports that grassroots organizations in the department of Olancho, Honduras, are fighting both for the enforcement of a partial ban decreed to stop illegal logging, as well as justice punishment of the assassins of two […]

Mexico City: Early Abortions Legalized
Women will now be able to legally abort during their first 12 weeks of pregnancy in Mexico City. An estimated 200,000 illegal abortions are performed in Mexico each year, and approximately 1,500 women die per […]

Ecuador: Una prolongada inestabilidad
Fuente: IRC Americas Hace diez años se instaló en Ecuador la inestabilidad político-social, como consecuencia de la irrupción de nuevos actores (el movimiento indígena) enfrentados a la resistencia de las viejas elites que se niegan […]

Brazil: Landless and Indigenous Occupy Rio
Nearly 2,000 landless and indigenous Brazilians protested lack of land, titles and healthcare on April 16 as a part of the “Indigenous April” and Land Reform Campaign led by the Landless Worker’s Movement. 800 landless […]