Year: 2007

Mexican Congressman Proposes Transsexual Rights
A Mexican Congressman announced last week that he would propose a constitutional amendment to guarantee the rights of transsexuals. The legislation would ensure they could legally change their name and gender. It would insert a […]

Ecuador: Ascendant Copper Unraveling?
Almost two months after Ecuador’s Ministry of Energy and Mines rejected Ascendant Copper’s Environmental Impact Study for the controversial and locally unpopular Junin copper mine project, the company’s shares plummeted to a measly $0.47 per […]

Journalist Still Missing in Paraguay
Friends and advocates from the Paraguayan Union of Journalists (SPP) will mark the one year anniversary of Paraguayan radio journalist Enrique (Kike) Galeano’s disappearance with a protest in his home town of Yby Yaú. Galeano […]

Book Review: Evil Hour in Colombia
On May 28, 2006 Álvaro Uribe Vélez was re-elected as President of Colombia for a second term, to the dismay of the Colombian, Latin American, and international Left. The victory was met with unmitigated glee by the US state and other imperialist powers, who, in their Manichean worldview of good and evil, see in Uribe an Angel of State Terror with which to smash the skulls of those devils-in-human flesh, Hugo Chávez and Evo Morales.

Guatemala: Ex-Dictator Runs for Congress
Former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt announced last week that he would run for Congress in September. "I am certain and sure" of getting a seat in Congress, Rios Montt told a news conference. If […]

Represa del Patuca y la muerte de los ambientalistas del MAO
La inminente construcción de la Represa del Patuca ha sumido a la opinión pública de Honduras en un debate sobre la viabilidad del proyecto y los designios de la elite de poder que se imponen […]