Year: 2007

Costa Rica Pressured by Pentagon/ WHINSEC
The campaign spearheaded by social movements in Latin America and SOA Watch to move countries to withdraw from the SOA/WHINSEC has been tremendously successful. High-level meetings in Argentina, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Uruguay and Venezuela resulted […]

CEPR: Risk of Deceptions in Venezuelan Referendum
There is a significant risk that fraudulent polls and other deceptions will be used to challenge the results of Venezuela’s referendum, if proposed constitutional reforms are approved this Sunday, according to Center for Economic and […]

New Politics in Old Bolivia: Public Opinion and Evo Morales
Nearly two years into the presidency of Evo Morales, government officials and leftist social organizations are determined to break with the past and transform the nation. The opposition calls it a civil war. The government calls it a revolution. Other Bolivian activists and analysts call it business as usual.

Neither Bullets Nor Impunity Will Silence You, Monseñor
On December 7th, a coalition of Salvadoran legal rights and activist organizations working to pressure the Salvadoran government to investigate the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero will unveil a new campaign to end ongoing impunity in the case. […]

Burger King and Modern Day Abolitionists Face Off
"We are building an alliance of workers and consumers today in the U.S. to demand fair food and an end to slavery in its modern-day form," declared Lucas Benitez as he accepted the 2007 Anti-Slavery Award at a gala ceremony in London last week.

Bolivia: Three Dead in Capital Conflict
The chaotic conflict over the seat of the capital escalated over the past three days, leaving three people dead and 200 wounded. The protests once again turned violent with the assembly’s subsequent approval of a draft of a new constitution with the presence of only MAS representatives inside a military installation. […]

Radio Report: Protests in Bolivia Over New Constitution Leave Three Dead
At least three people have died in violent confrontations in Sucre, Bolivia, where the framework for a new constitution was approved on Saturday. KPFK’s Sonali Kolhatkar (Uprising Radio) interviews Ben Dangl in Cochabamba on the conflict.

GUATEMALA: Reclamo de reparación a víctimas de conflictos
Representantes de organizaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos de Guatemala, México, Uruguay, Colombia, Sahara Occidental y Suecia exigieron este martes la reparación a las víctimas de conflictos armados y crímenes de lesa humanidad y el […]