Year: 2008

Despite National and Global Distractions, the Popular Minga Marches on to Bogotá
Bogotá, Colombia-As up to 6,000 indigenous protesters participating in the ongoing "Minga Popular" approached the city limits of Ibagué, in the department of Tolima, they were met by a squadron of mounted and special forces police known as ESMAD, as well as the Army, who were given explicit orders by President Alvaro Uribenot to let them into the main highway of the city. […]

Honduras: All That Glitters Isn’t Gold – A Story of Exploitation and Resistance
This documentary tells the stories of community members residing near Goldcorp’s San Martin open-pit gold mine in Honduras’ Siria Valley. View the full documentary here online.

Militarization and the War on Drugs in Peru: Interview with Ricardo Soberón
The government of Alan García has initiated Plan VRAE, a military offensive in the South Andean region of Ayacucho, specifically with the object of exterminating the surviving militias of the Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path and defeating drug trafficking. At the same time, more than a hundred North American marines have settled in Ayacucho. Upside Down World interviews Peruvian lawyer Ricardo Soberón Garrido, a specialist in militarization and drug issues on possible interpretations of this offensive. […]

Dos muertos y más de 20 heridos dejan protestas en República Dominicana
Fuente: TeleSur Fuertes protestas se registraron en Dominicana dejando al menos dos muertos y 20 heridos. (Foto: Archivo). Dos muertos, 20 heridos y al menos 20 personas fueron detenidas en medio de violentas protestas por […]

Incrementan protestas en Colombia con huelga de funcionarios y camioneros
Fuente: TeleSur Indígenas reclaman sus tierras ancestrales y denuncian el genocidio al que están sometidos sus pueblos. (Foto: Archivo) La huelga de funcionarios y camioneros se convertirá en una nueva protesta contra el Gobierno, que […]

Bolivia: Congress Approves Referendum on Constitution
After months of street battles and political meetings, a new draft of the Bolivian constitution was ratified by Congress on October 21. A national referendum on whether or not to make the document official is scheduled for January 25, 2009. "Now we have made history," President Evo Morales told supporters in La Paz. "This process of change cannot be turned back… neoliberalism will never return to Bolivia." […]