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Indigenous Justice in Colombia

December 8, 2008 Dawn Paley 0

On November 26th, seven people were kidnapped on the road leading out of Jambaló’s town center, in the village of Pioyá. Five were liberated later that night, and the other two in the early hours of the next day. […]

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The Presidential Transition and Latin America Policy: Optimism for Change Dims as Reality Sets In

December 3, 2008 Mario A. Murillo 0

So much of the Bush legacy in the hemisphere has been shaped by the "you’re either with us or against us" worldview that emerged from the smoldering rubble of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Which is why so many people breathed a sigh of relief on November 5th when Barack Hussein Obama won the elections in the United States. But just how much change can we expect to come from the new Democratic Administration with respect to Latin America policy?

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