From Bolivia’s Streets: What Voters Think About the New Constitution
Today’s referendum on
Today’s referendum on
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA – El domingo el país andino vivirá tal vez, el acto eleccionario mas importante de su historia. Un elección que merece ese nombre ya que no se dirime apenas la vigencia de […]
On Thursday, representatives from Bolivia’s diverse social movements convened in downtown La Paz at a rally to mark the end of over two years of meetings, conflicts and mobilizations to, as President Evo Morales often says in speeches, "constitutionalize" much-needed changes. The following day, Morales nationalized the Chaco oil company. […]
The new in-depth report, "The 2009 El Salvador Elections: Between Crisis and Change," by CISPES, NACLA, and Upside Down World reflects on El Salvador’s current situation as well as the possibilities and challenges ahead at this pivotal moment for the nation’s future. The leftist FMLN party currently holds a double-digit lead in the presidential election to be held on March 15. An FMLN victory would end 20 years of one-party rule by the main right-wing party.
(IPS)La versión de los sobrevivientes del cuartel Los Cabitos en Perú, quienes afirman que ese lugar fue centro de torturas y exterminio, es corroborada conforme son desenterrados más cadáveres sepultados clandestinamente en ese establecimiento militar […]
Dozens of marches and rallies in support of Bolivia’s new constitution, to be voted on this Sunday, have filled the streets of La Paz in recent days. On Tuesday, at a rally for the constitution and to celebrate Venezuela’s donation of 300 tons of asphalt to the city of La Paz, President Evo Morales took the stage, covered in confetti and with a coca leaf wreath around his neck. The crowd cheered and waved signs, one of them saying, "Thanks for the asphalt and the progress." […]
On Tuesday, nation-wide protests over large scale metal mining called by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) demonstrated growing, broad-based participation. Roughly 12,000 people from indigenous, environmentalist, human rights, campesino and rural water organizations participated in diverse actions across eleven provinces of the small Andean nation. […]
The global power center of gravity is rapidly changing to the East on the one hand, and towards the South on the other. A case in point is Latin America, where a newly found assertiveness and unity of voice might well be the direct result of US weakness. […]
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