Reencounter of the Original Peoples and Nationalities of Abya Yala in Ecuador

June 21, 2010 Marc Becker 0

Representatives of the original peoples and nationalities of the Americas returned to Ecuador last week for the twentieth anniversary of a historic gathering that advanced hemispheric unity. The Continental Encounter of the Original Nationalities and Peoples of Abya Yala met from June 14 to 16. Abya Yala is a word for the Americas in the language of the Kuna people in Panama that has gained broad usage as an aboriginal term for the hemisphere. […]

Oliver Stone’s New Documentary Explains Progressive Governments in Latin America, Exposes Adversarial Media Bias

June 21, 2010 Tony Phillips 0
Stone takes us on a somewhat bewildering tour of South America, as viewers are provided two starkly different portraits of Latin American contemporary history as it unfolds. He does this by juxtaposing two diametrically opposed viewpoints: that of private media outlets in both the U.S. and in Latin America and those of leaders in the region, those responsible for creating the “pink-tide.”

Extending the Reach of Safe Abortion in Mexico

June 18, 2010 Daniela Pastrana 0

MARÍA (the group’s acronym for Women, Abortion, Reproduction, Information and Accompaniment) was founded in May 2009 to provide information, support and financial assistance to women outside greater Mexico City who want an abortion. “The aim of the Fund is not to be a welfare-kind of support system, but to provide women with the tools they need to take responsibility for their bodies and their lives, and to help them understand that they are receiving support for exercising a right, not a favour,” Oriana López, director of operations of MARÍA, told IPS. […]

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A Bad Week for the Monroe Doctrine

June 17, 2010 Conn Hallinan 0

Source: FPIF It is hard to find words that quite describe U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s performance at the June 7 meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Lima, Peru. Cluelessness certainly […]

One Year Since the Bagua Massacre: New Actors Facing a State in Crisis in Peru

June 17, 2010 Raúl Zibechi 0
“The rainforest is not for sale,” was one of the most-repeated choruses in the marches across Peru commemorating the first anniversary of the Bagua massacre. Shortly after the repression, four of the legislative decrees that had provoked the demonstrations were revoked and, on May 19, parliament approved the Consultation Law, which dictates that locals must be consulted before any projects to exploit community resources are approved. These are two substantial victories for the movement.
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