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La segunda guerra fría y América del Sur

December 30, 2011 Raúl Zibechi 0

Fuente: América Latina en Movimiento La “guerra contra el terror” inaugurada por George W Bush tras los atentados del 11 S, está siendo desplazada por la “contención” de China, la nueva estrategia delineada por el Pentágono […]

And the Farmworkers are Still Poor

December 30, 2011 Michael Yates 0

Trampling out the Vintage explains better than any other book how the UFW under Chavez’s leadership became in the 1960s and 1970s one of the most remarkable and successful unions in U.S. history but then crashed and burned so breathtakingly fast that by the end of the 1980s it had pretty much disappeared from the fields.


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Democracy Lessons for Fidel Castro

December 29, 2011 Belen Fernandez 0

The US’ tendency to demonise and formulate assassination attempts on Fidel Castro shows a glaring double standard. Source: Al Jazeera Austin, Texas – In the 1950s, my father’s uncle Benito was summoned to Havana by Santo […]

Mexico: Youth on the Front Lines of Protest Movement

December 28, 2011 Daniela Pastrana 0

“We need to be the ones to provide the answers to the questions of our times, because we are the main victims of the voracious policies of capitalism,” says Alexis Jiménez, a 23-year-old ethnologist who has spent the last two months camping out in front of the Mexico City Stock Exchange. […]

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