Perú: La “amenaza fascista” en las puertas del gobierno

Brasil: Escepticismo ante medidas contra la violencia en Amazonia
(IPS) – Organizaciones de campesinos y de derechos humanos se manifestaron decepcionadas con la sola decisión del gobierno de Brasil de crear un grupo interministerial para afrontar la violencia en la Amazonia, tras el asesinato […]

Blood in the Amazon: Brazilian Activists Murdered as Deforestation Increases
The recent murder of two environmental activists took place the same day the Brazilian Congress passed legislation that would allow agribusinesses and ranchers to clear even more land in the Amazon.

Ousted Honduran President Zelaya Returns Home 23 Months After U.S.-Backed Coup
Source: Democracy Now Watch video here In a Democracy Now! global broadcast exclusive, we take you on the plane of ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya as he and his family return home after almost two […]

Ecuador: Government Shuts Down Illegal Gold Mines
(IPS) – The Ecuadorian government sent in the army to shut down illegal gold mining operations in the jungles of the northwest province of Esmeraldas, where the highly polluting activity is associated with drug traffickers […]

Thousands March in Venezuela against U.S. Sanctions
Source: Venezuelanalysis.com Around ten thousand people marched in Caracas on Sunday to protest the sanctions by the U.S. on Venezuela’s state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) for trading with Iran. On May 24 […]

Right-wing Unleashes Campaign Against Democracy in Latin America
US Latin Americanist Cold Warriors and their far-right allies in the region kicked off a propaganda campaign in May to influence Congress and US citizens against Venezuela and fellow ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas) countries. With declining attention being paid to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, neoconservatives and neoliberals want to turn our attention to rolling back social and economic advances in Latin America.