Argentina: Poison from the Sky
(IPS) – Argentina’s soy boom has been a major source of foreign exchange. But the other side of the coin is the toxic effects among the rural population, from spraying agrochemicals. Research by the National […]
(IPS) – Argentina’s soy boom has been a major source of foreign exchange. But the other side of the coin is the toxic effects among the rural population, from spraying agrochemicals. Research by the National […]
La represión contra los Indignadxs es un mensaje para asegurar que no se permitirá la continuación de las protestas, pero los activistas se niegan a ser silenciados. CIUDAD JUÁREZ – El 15 de octubre, hubo […]
“I’ll never forget watching the chief of security aim his gun straight at me, feeling the bullet hit, lying on the ground coughing up blood. I was terrified. I thought I was going to die,” […]
The United States is advancing a regional security strategy which apparently is oriented toward the militarization of Central America and the participation of private security contractors in policing, a strategy also being promoted for the region by the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe.
“There is no remedy, and the Indians are coming to an end.” – Don Felipe Huamán Poma de Ayala, 1615 (quoted in Restall, 100) Despite the passage of nearly four hundred years, Huamán Poma’s dismal […]
The recent meeting of UNASUR Defense ministers and the Brazilian parliamentary debate on defense reveal that the region has made the decision to defend itself in the face of the intensifying global climate of war. […]
(IPS) – Pese a que el imaginario social las vincula con la resistencia a las dictaduras en los años 70 y 80, las organizaciones de derechos humanos latinoamericanas hace tiempo que expandieron sus preocupaciones, para […]
(IPS) – Although the public identifies human rights organisations in Latin America with resistance to the dictatorships of the 1970s and 1980s, for years now these groups have broadened their concerns to encompass environmental and […]
Latin American and Caribbean heads of state recently gathered in Caracas, Venezuela to form a new regional bloc aimed at self-determination outside the scope of Washington’s power.
Local residents and authorities in the northern Peruvian region of Cajamarca say they will continue to protest the Conga gold mine, despite the state of emergency declared by President Ollanta Humala. […]
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