Honduras en llamas: Informe de testigos de la represión

Activistas Mexicanas en riesgo luego de haber recibido amenazas de muerte
Activistas Mexicanas en riesgo luego de haber recibido amenazas de muerte Amnistía Internacional ha instado a las autoridades mexicanas a proporcionar protección para dos prominentes mujeres activistas que han sido forzadas a huir sus casas […]

Honduras is Burning: Eye-Witness Report on Repression
Source: Rights Action – Endless Repression By Military-backed Regime – Eye-witness report from the streets of Tegucigalpa (Police truck spraying vaste quantities of teargas at peaceful protesters, March 30, 2011, Tegucigalpa. All photos, Karen Spring, […]

Sacred Indigenous Site in Mexico Threatened by Canadian Mining Company
Every year, the Wixarika (Huichol) indigenous people of central west México walk 500 km to the sacred land of Wirikuta, where according to legend, the sun was born. This sacred land is currently under siege by a Vancouver-based mining company.

Haiti’s Movement from Below Endures
Despite those in power trying to keep him out, the return of Aristide to Haiti has rekindled hope among the poor. Source: Al Jazeera As twice ousted former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his family were […]

Why Mexico’s War on Drugs is Unwinnable
Source: Americas Program In Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, a student peace protester is gunned down by the Federal Police. Pictures of the intestines bursting from his ruptured gut make the rounds on the Internet, shocking even […]

Towards the Reconstruction of the Country: The Constituent Assembly of Indigenous and Black People of Honduras
From February 21st to 23rd, the Constituent Assembly of Indigenous and Black People of Honduras held a forum in San Juan Durugubuty. Called by the main civil society organizations of the country, the assembled communities sought to collect and systematize the proposals of the Garifuna people and of the seven indigenous groups of the country for a new Constitution.

Indigenous Zapatista Supporters “Held Hostage” in Chiapas for Opposing Ecotourism Project

Latin America: Growing Opposition to Military Intervention in Libya
(IPS) – Latin America is still divided over the military intervention in Libya. But the nations that were initially opposed to it are gradually hardening their stance as the objective of the Western powers taking […]