Stratfor’s Myth in Mexico

Peru: The Many Faces of Human Rights Terrorism
The level of support among young Peruvians for Movadef is an effect of the state’s campaign against historical memory. Source: Al Jazeera Cusco, Peru – In September 1992, Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori accused […]

Action Alert! Colombian Police Violently Remove Anti-dam Protestors
ESMAD (riot police) in Huila, Colombia began the forced removal of the fisher-people, campesinos, miners, day laborers and others who have been blocking the diverting of the Magdalena River for the Quimbo Dam early Tuesday morning. […]

Indigenous Leaders Call for Ecuador Government to Stop Oil Leasing Plans
Source: Indian Country Today Media Network Indigenous leaders from Ecuador’s Amazonian lowlands are calling for the government to drop plans to auction 21 leases near the Peruvian border for oil drilling. After a two-day meeting […]

America Latina: Paisajes neocoloniales de la minería transnacional en NuestrAmérica
Fuente: América Latina en Movimiento Los primeros meses de 2012 se abrieron en el Noroeste Argentino con la intensificación del crónico conflicto que atraviesa a nuestras sociedades por la instalación de megaproyectos de minería metalífera […]

Las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado en Argentina ya No Están Solas
La experiencia acumulada por profesionales de la salud mental en el acompañamiento de víctimas del terrorismo de Estado en Argentina es de tal importancia que ya comenzó a trascender las fronteras. Brasil, Chile y Uruguay, […]

Victims of State Terrorism in Argentina No Longer on Their Own
(IPS) – Mental health professionals in Argentina have accumulated such a wealth of experience in treating victims of state terrorism that they are now sharing it with colleagues across the country’s borders. Brazil, Chile and […]

Mexico: Tensions Flare over Canadian-owned Mine in Oaxaca
The mine, known locally by the name of its subsidiary Minera Cuzcatlán, went into production in late September 2011. Its opponents maintain that Fortuna Silver’s mine is the root of the social problems that plague the once peaceful region. In a press conference following the police shooting of Méndez Vásquez, mine opponents made it clear that they see a direct link between Fortuna Silver and the violence.

Banana Union Target of Deadly Repression in Guatemala
Miguel Angel González Ramírez, a member of the Izabal banana workers’ union SITRABI, was killed on 5 February. He was shot several times whilst carrying his young child in his arms. “This is yet another […]

A New Chile is Possible: Students and a Society in Motion
Chilean students question the education system as commercial and elitist because it reproduces existing social inequities and makes them worse. But they are not just asking questions: They are practicing the kind of education they have spent years dreaming about and struggling to obtain.