Month: March 2012

Unveiling Canada’s Role in Chile’s Environmental and Political Conflicts
A new report reveals the Canadian mining industrial complex’s responsibility for social discord and environmentally-destructive policies in Chile’s Patagonia region. The report focuses on the Aysén region, which has seen protests and social discord since the announcement that a hyrdroelectric “development” plan would move forward last May.

Repression and Resistance in Honduras: Interview with Jesse Freeston on His New Documentary
Interview with Jesse Freeston, a video-journalist and filmmaker who covers Central American politics and social movements. He talks to us about his new documentary about post-coup d’État Honduras, “Resistencia”. This report was originally aired on […]

Activists Demand to Ban Cyanide in Dominican Republic, Protest Barrick Gold
The protest took place in front of the offices of Barrick, which prepares to operate the Pueblo Viejo gold and silver mine next year Dominican Republic – The group SalvaTierra took a non-violent direct action […]

Emerald Energy Exploits Colombian Andes
Source: CorpWatch A thick fog flows over the eastern range of the Colombian Andes. Here and there, the constant wind lifts the clouds to reveal lagoons, cloud forests, and páramo, an Andean alpine ecosystem known […]

Mexico: The Bonfires of Cherán
We bring you this translation of a Mexican journalist’s take on Cherán, Michoacan, to bring more light to a community that has been building autonomous resistance to organized crime and corrupt officials since last year.

Bolivia: Sachs Versus the Facts
Jeffrey Sachs has nominated himself as the ‘progressive’ candidate in a non-election to head the World Bank, and judging from his campaign materials it’s a good thing they’re looking for an economist and not a historian.

Crece movimiento jurídico para burlar ley de amnistía en Brasil
(IPS) – Ante la muralla de una amnistía que impide juzgar crímenes cometidos por el régimen militar de Brasil, cobra fuerza un movimiento de jóvenes abogados del Ministerio Público para atravesarla con recursos jurídicos de […]

Music and Revolution: Interview with Cuban Musician Vicente Feliú
Singer Vicente Feliú discusses the origin of the Nueva Trova, the influence of the Cuban revolution and responsibility towards Cuban society and other countries facing repression, as well as the aesthetics of Cuban revolutionary song.

Carbon Blood Money in Honduras
Source: FPIF With its muddy roads, humble huts, and constant military patrols, Bajo Aguán, Honduras feels a long way away from the slick polish of the recurring UN climate negotiations in the world’s capital cities. […]