Month: May 2012

Mexican Farmers Block New Law to Privatize Plants
Source: Americas Program Progressive small farmer organizations in Mexico scored a victory over transnational corporations that seek to monopolize seed and food patents. When the corporations pushed their bill to modify the Federal Law on […]

Mexico: Tens of Thousands March against PRI’s Presidential Candidate
The mood was festive as groups of students, grass root organizations and individuals gathered in the city’s main square. With chants of “Not even one vote for the PRI” and “Out Peña” the crowd started moving. They sung as they moved forward, many wearing black t-shirts with anti PRI slogans. There were cheers and clapping as those standing on the sidewalk showered their support. “Join us, join us,” the marchers chanted.

The New Migration Law: Mexico’s Continuing Failure to Protect Migrants
In the last century and a half since the Decreto sobre Extranjería, in both the United States and Mexico, migrants have been wanted, put to work, granted amnesty, hated, oppressed, expulsed, and just about everything in between. The only thing that has remained constant has been the migrants. They keep moving. And the trend, on behalf of both the U.S. and Mexican governments, has been to pass legislation, including those laws that purport to protect, that makes migrants vulnerable.

Repsol Sues Argentina for $10 Billion Over YPF Nationalization
Source: CorpWatch Repsol, a multinational based in Spain, has brought a class action lawsuit in New York courts against the Argentine government for the re-nationalization of YPF, the former Argentine state oil company. The company […]

Guatemalan Communities Have No Say in Exploitation of Resources
(IPS) – “People haven’t been coming in for the past month or so because they are afraid again, like during war-time,” complained Juan Gaspar, a shopkeeper in the northwestern Guatemalan town of Santa Cruz Barillas, […]

Mexico: Populist Candidate Lopez Obrador Appeals to Business
Source: New Politics Mexico’s voters face an increasingly murky choice in the rapidly approaching July 1 national election between three conservative, pro-business candidates and a populist candidate who until recently offered Keynesian solutions to the […]

United States Sends Combat Commanders to Colombia
Source: Fellowship of Reconciliation U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff commander General Martin Dempsey visited Colombia on March 29 to announce that within weeks U.S. military personnel will operate from a military base there with the […]

Canada and Chile Meddling in Honduras’s Economic and Security Policies
Few people would likely draw connections between a Canadian diplomat, Honduran public security reform, a retired Chilean General, and an extractive industry law proposal in Honduras. But Canada and Chile are jointly involved in both public security reform and proposed mining, oil and gas legislation in Honduras.