Year: 2012

Murder of Anti-Mining Activists in Mexico a State Crime
Barzón leader and his partner shot to death in Chihuahua after harassment from people paid by Vancouver based company Source: Vancouver Media Co-op CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO-The double murder of the leader of the Barzón, Ismael Solorio […]

“Walking the True Word Around the World”: State Violence, Global Solidarity, and a New Campaign to Support the Zapatistas
In early September a large number of political party members in paramilitary-style groups carrying high-calibre firearms invaded the Zapatista communities of Comandante Abel and Unión Hidalgo, firing shots. Their goal was to displace the Zapatista support base members (BAZ) from the community and seize their land. This was not the first assault.

Guatemala: Peaceful Resistance in the Face of Violence
Telma Yolanda Oquelí Veliz, who was nearly killed for her activism against mining in San José del Golfo, Guatemala, spoke out publicly Monday morning for the first time since the attack against her in June. “I want to tell the world that here in Guatemala there is a peaceful resistance that exists, and we are prepared to stay here as long as possible,” she said, sitting upright on a plastic chair inside a permanent camp blocking the entrance to a proposed gold mine about 30km from Guatemala City.

The Chilean Safe Abortion Hotline: Assisting Women With Illegal, But Safe, Misoprostol Abortion
Chile is estimated to have one of the highest abortion rates in all of Latin America, but one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the world. Abortions are banned under all circumstances, including saving the woman’s life, forcing women to seek abortions outside of the law—with varying levels of safety. Since its launch in 2009, the Chilean Safe Abortion Hotline has received more than 10,000 calls, up to 15 a day. Women call from all over Chile to learn about the correct dosage and administration of misoprostol, and information on abortion law and legal rights.

Venezuela’s Chavez to Ministers: Now is the Time for Self-Criticism
Source: Venezuelanalysis.com In a cabinet meeting with his top ministers on Saturday, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez strongly criticised his political team for failing to show commitment to the participatory democratic model currently being proposed by […]

One dead in Panama protests over new land law
Source: Al Jazeera Protesters and police clash after legislation allowing the sale of state-owned land in a duty-free zone is approved. At least one person has been killed during violent protests in the Caribbean city of Colon over […]

Bolivia: New Road Contract Ramps Up Stakes in TIPNIS Conflict
Source: NACLA Report on the Americas On October 6, Bolivian President Evo Morales signed a new construction contract for the first segment of a controversial highway that would bisect the TIPNIS Indigenous Territory and National […]

Uruguay Rejects “The War on Drugs”: Law Proposes State Control of Marijuana Production and Distribution
On Aug. 8 the Uruguayan government sent legislation to the parliament containing only one article: “The state assumes control and regulation of the activities related to the importation, production, acquisition of any title, storage, commercialization, and distribution of marihuana and its associated products, in terms and conditions defined by the respective regulation.”