Year: 2012

Guatemalan Government and Mining Company Attack Community Members in San Rafael Las Flores
On the morning of Monday, September 17, employees of the San Rafael Mining Company, accompanied by private security agents with anti-riot equipment, attack dogs, tear-gas cannons and rubber bullet guns, and escorted by the National Civil Police, turned up in Morales, Mataquescuintla, to connect high voltage electrical wires to the San Rafael mining site.

Book Review: Feeding on Dreams – Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile
Ariel Dorfman’s Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile (HMH Books, 2011) is an eloquent memoir which fluctuates between reflections on death and exile – the meaning of not having died next to Chilean President Allende during the 1973 military coup, and the consequences of Dorfman’s own exile, a decision enforced by Allende’s advisors and which very possibly saved his life from the deadly machinery of the Pinochet dictatorship, but which has assailed Dorfman with a tenacious need to question his own role and actions within that particular era of Chilean history.

Peru Urged to Prevent Unlawful Killings of Protesters
Uphold International Norms for Use of Force and Military Jurisdiction The Peruvian government should act to prevent the unlawful use of lethal force by security forces during crowd-control operations, Human Rights Watch said today in […]

Panama: Isolated and Ignored Naso Fear Police Repression
Tensions are mounting in the indigenous Naso territory in Bocas del Toro province, western Panama, where protestors have blocked access to the Bonyic Hydroelectric project, a 30MW dam currently under construction on the banks of the Bonyic river. The Naso are one of Panama’s most marginalized indigenous groups, currently numbering approximately 4000. Their populations are concentrated in eleven different communities on the forested banks of the Rio Teribe, which they call Tjer’di (Grandmother Water) – a vital source of material and spiritual sustenance.

Former US Ambassador Outlines Post-Election Interventions against Venezuela
In an extraordinary paper released last week, former US Ambassador to Venezuela, Patrick Duddy, outlined a range of military, financial, and diplomatic measures that the US should be prepared to take against the Chavez government after the coming elections on October 7th.

Interview with Marta Harnecker on the Latin American Left
Source: Folha de São Paulo She defines herself as a Marxist-Leninist “popular educator.” A Chilean, she was a student of philosopher Louis Althusser, a Catholic student leader and a member of the socialist government of […]

Vallecito Resists, Satuye Lives! The Garífuna Resistance to Honduras’ Charter Cities
“Paul Romer’s propaganda talks about building Charter Cities in uninhabited places. Unfortunately, in Honduras they are trying to dispossess the Garífuna people of half of our territory in order to create the RED (Special Development Region). The level of disinformation and violence that exists in this country reveals that multiple human rights violations will be caused by the establishment of a neocolonial project in the 21st century.”

Voices from the International People’s Health Tribunal
On July 14-15 the first ever International People’s Health Tribunal was held in the town of San Miguel Ixtahuacán in Guatemala’s Western highlands. The tribunal was organized to judge Canadian mining company Goldcorp Inc. for […]