Year: 2012

Hemispheric Resistance to Canadian Mining
From Canada to Argentina, preparations are well underway for the Continental Day of Action Against Canadian Mega Resource Extraction on August 1. Participating organizations’ demands range from divestment to putting people before profit. Communities and organizers resisting extractive industry projects in Latin America continue to face displacement, harassment, threats, and death, often dismissed as part of unrelated violence and conflicts.

#YoSoy132 Statement on Today’s Symbolic Occupation of Televisa
Source: Americas MexicoBlog Note: I attended the National Convention in Atenco and the proposed protest of Televisa was the most controversial action adopted. The day after, many press outlets reported that the #IAm132 movement was […]

Guatemala Photo Essay: “In San Rafael Las Flores and my House, the Mine does not Pass”
Thousands of neighbors from San Rafael Las Flores and nearby communities in solidarity gathered on July 20th to protest the industrial mining project of El Escobal, operated by Canadian-US Tahoe Resources. In addition, locals demand that a neighbors’ consultation, be carried out to establish the people’s will regarding the project.

Amidst Broken Promises, Indigenous Authorities Detain Belo Monte Dam Engineers
Source: Amazon Watch Altamira, Brazil – Three engineers employed by Norte Energia, S.A (NESA), the company building the Belo Monte Dam on Brazil’s Xingu river, were detained Tuesday by Juruna and Arara tribal authorities in […]

Canada’s Promotion of Mining Industry Belies Claims of Corporate Social Responsibility
Source: Americas Program In recent months, Canadians have been infuriated to hear that their government is subsidizing profitable overseas mining operations by channelling international aid money into corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects of companies like […]

Mexican Official: CIA ‘Manages’ Drug Trade
Source: Al Jazeera The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and other international security forces “don’t fight drug traffickers”, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state government in northern Mexico has told Al Jazeera, instead “they try to […]