Right-wing participation in civil society mobilization reveals political motivations behind the “conflict of powers” in El Salvador

El Salvador’s governing leftist party, the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), denounced the right-wing Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) party for “generating disorder, chaos [and] violence in the streets, including throwing tear gas at the police, beating people up” as tactics to “promote an environment of un-governability” in El Salvador.


Operation Injustice: Indigenous and Afro-Colombian Human Rights Defenders and Community Leaders Face Mass Arrests and Arbitrary Detention

July 24, 2012 Heidi Andrea Rhodes 0

Throughout June 2012, dozens of indigenous and AfroColombian civilians, human rights defenders, community leaders, and politicians in the department of Cauca were arrested under suspicion of guerrilla collaboration. These arrests are part of the new counterinsurgency strategy of the Colombian government – Operation Sword of Honor.


Fernando Lugo

Post-Coup Paraguay: An Interview with Fernando Lugo

July 18, 2012 Johannes Wilm 0

“The people see me as the President. The coup leader Franco has perhaps formal control over the army and police, but that does not mean that he can control the population. And basically we believe that the people are sovereign to decide who should be president.” – Fernando Lugo


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