Betraying Memory in Chile: Documental Pinochet’s Manipulation of History
Impunity and split memory in Chile were highlighted on June 10, 2012 with the screening of Documental Pinochet at Teatro Caupolican.
Impunity and split memory in Chile were highlighted on June 10, 2012 with the screening of Documental Pinochet at Teatro Caupolican.
Ecuador’s judicial system is being used by the authorities to clamp down on indigenous and campesino leaders in what appears to be a deliberate attempt to prevent them from protesting against projects that will affect […]
Source: The Progressive The Newmont Mining Corporation, based in Colorado, has embroiled itself in a controversial project in northern Peru that locals say threatens their water and their future. Peasants and workers in the region […]
From July 7 to July 14, Rights Action facilitated an 8-day road trip through Guatemala, leading a group of 18 Canadian and American citizens concerned about health and environmental harms and other human rights violations […]
Source: InSight Crime Since the “Northern Triangle” of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala emerged as the main corridor for US-bound drugs, it has become one of the deadliest places in the world to be a […]
El papel de Ottawa en la guerra permanente contra el pueblo de México Fuente: SubVersiones Ciudad Juárez, México. La música es fuerte y el bar está bien abastecido. Me siento tímidamente con una lata de […]
Fuente: Waging Nonviolence Mientras el conflicto sobre las reformas propuestas a la carrera del Magisterio y las escuelas normales se polariza, la policía desalojó violentamente a los estudiantes que protestaban del Parque de la Industria […]
What lies behind today’s headlines, political fights and struggles for justice in Paraguay is a conflict over access to land; land is power and money for the elites, survival and dignity for the poor, and has been at the center of major political and social battles in Paraguay for decades. In order to understand the crisis in post-coup Paraguay it’s necessary to grasp the political weight of the nation’s soil.
In both the United States and Canada there have been sustained grassroots efforts to spotlight the unjust mass incarceration and criminalization of poor people, and especially poor people of color, for drug-related arrests. But there has been too little analysis about the reasons behind and mechanisms of this war, and its economic impact on Mexico and beyond.
One generally overlooked feature of the Guatemalan government and military’s 36-year (1960-96) genocidal counterinsurgency campaign against the country’s Mayan population is the strategy of targeting women with violence.
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