Student eviction does not stop Guatemalan movement against privatization

July 5, 2012 Beth Geglia 0

As the conflict over educational reforms in Guatemala’s escuelas normales rages on, police violently evicted student protesters on July 2    from their occupation at Industry Park and various schools throughout Guatemala City, in an ongoing campaign to repress the movement. In the morning, reports described that four police squads detained up to eight students, while 12 more were  sent to the hospital. Allegations of sexual aggression toward young female protesters also circulated via independent media outlets.


Members of Haiti’s rogue army seen here in the town of Saint-Marc.

Haiti’s Military Monster Makes a Creeping Comeback

July 5, 2012 Brian Fitzpatrick 0

“I am in charge of Haiti!” one excited former soldier in his fifties exclaims. The others laugh on cue, one of them holding a handgun casually by his side. Swinging around to pose for the camera, an older man in fatigues carelessly waves the barrel of his machine gun past me at chest height. Two hours north of Port-au-Prince, in the town of Saint-Marc, we’ve received our first introduction to the 3,000-strong band of military enthusiasts dubbed Haiti’s “rogue” army.


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