Year: 2012

Latin America: how the US has allied with the forces of reaction
Source: Guardian Unlimited It was three years ago this week that the Honduran military launched an assault on the home of President Mel Zelaya, kidnapped him, and flew him out of the country. The Obama […]

Can Morales survive Bolivia’s social unrest?
Source: Al Jazeera, Inside Story Americas Police protests and anger among indigenous groups piles the pressure on Latin America’s first indigenous president. It was a bitter dispute which saw hundreds of Bolivian police officers protest […]

Ecuador Will Cease Participation in School of the Americas
Source: SOA Watch On Wednesday, June 27, Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa, after hearing from a delegation of SOA Watch, has taken the decision to cease sending Ecuadoran soldiers to the School of the Americas. We […]

Bolivia: Second Tipnis March Arrives in La Paz
Source: Bolivia Diary For the second time in 8 months a march by representatives of indigenous movements arrived in La Paz to demand a road does not cut through the TIPNIS indigenous territory and national […]

Monsanto Strikes in Paraguay
Source: BolPress The Union of Production Trades (UGP), closely linked to the Zuccolillo Group, owner of the newspaper ABC Color and senior partner of Cargill in Paraguay, had been preparing a national act of protest […]

‘We Are All Barillas’: A new moment in Guatemala’s anti-extraction movement
June 18 marked the second mobilization under the banner “We Are All Barillas” in the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Hundreds of community members, indigenous leaders and supporters from throughout the region traveled seven hours outside of the department’s capital to declare that the community of Santa Cruz Barillas would not be intimidated.