Year: 2012

Proyecto Mesoamérica: El mensaje de Obama a los gobiernos latinoamericanos
El 5 de diciembre de 2011 en Mérida (México) se concluyó la 13° cumbre del Mecanismo de Concertación de Tuxtla, que ha visto la participación de los representantes de México, Colombia y de los países […]

A Temporary Suspension of Exile in Chile: Interview with Former MIR Militant Hugo Marchant
Chile’s supreme court of appeals has temporarily suspended the exile sentence imposed upon an ex-militant of the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR). Accused of involvement in the killing of former Santiago mayor Carol Urzúa Ibáñez, Hugo Marchant and his family were arrested and tortured by Centro Nacional de Intelligencia (CNI) agents.

A Wake-up Call for Human Rights Defenders in the Americas, Not Indicator of Goldcorp’s Performance
(Ottawa/Washington, D.C.) The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and MiningWatch Canada today expressed deep concern at the political pressure being brought to bear on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the western hemisphere’s […]

Justice Delayed 30 Years in Guatemala
Source: Al Jazeera On the morning of March 13, 1982, 10-year-old orphan Jesus Tecu Osorio woke up in his rural Maya Achi village of Rio Negro, Guatemala, with the crushing burden of satisfying the most […]

U.S. and Latin America Should Support Prosecution of Haiti’s Duvalier
Source: Americas Program Nunca Mas. Never again. From Argentina to Guatemala, nunca más served as the clarion call for justice for the victims of the mass atrocities and systemic political repression that plagued Latin America […]

Mesoamerica Project: Obama’s Message to the Latin American Governments
On December 5, 2011, representatives from Mexico, Colombia and the countries of Central American attended the 13th Summit of the Tuxtla Mechanism for Dialogue and Coordination in Merida, Mexico. The summit’s main purpose was to discuss the progress of different initiatives included in the Mesoamerica Project’s framework, which is the new version of the Plan Puebla-Panama (PPP).

Brazilian Government Pulls Plug on the Million Cistern Project
Source: Grassroots International According to a local proverb, bad news arrive arrives fast. So it was with the announcement that Brazilian president Dilma Rouseff will end the popular and effective One Million Cisterns Program in […]

New U.S.-Colombia Base in Panama to Combat Undocumented People
The U.S.military approach to undocumented immigrants has moved further south – to a new military academy in Panama. The new school, which Panama announced in early December, will bring together U.S. and Colombian trainers to train Central American police units in border patrol, countering drug traffic, and “combatting undocumented persons.”