Year: 2012

“Yes to Life! No to Gold!” Indigenous Communities in Peru Struggle to Defend Land From Mining
Behind the rhetoric of Peru’s economic boom and corporate social responsibility lies the struggle of indigenous communities to defend their land and their right to clean water. Máxima Acuña, one of the faces behind that struggle, walked from her rural community through the rain for 10 hours to hear the case that the owners of the Yanacocha mine in northern Peru have launched against her and her family.

EL Salvador: Proposed Culture Law Would Provide Healthcare and Funding for Artists
Source: CISPES Last Tuesday night, artists, writers, academics, journalists and politicians gathered for an evening of music, art and dance to celebrate the presentation of a Culture Law drafted and proposed by the Cultural Secretariat […]

Earth First? Bolivia’s Mother Earth Law Meets the Neo-Extractivist Economy
Source: NACLA While the U. S. courts have granted civil rights to corporations, Bolivia has enacted a new law enshrining the legal rights of nature. The “Law of Mother Earth and Integral Development for Living […]

Action Alert! Protect Pacific Resistance in San José del Golfo, Guatemala
For the past nine months, men, women and children from San José del Golfo, San Pedro Ayampuc and their surrounding communities have maintained a constant, non-violent presence in protest of the onset of mining activities […]

Canadian Mining on Trial
Guatemalan delegation travelling to Canada to challenge corporate impunity Source: The Dominion EL ESTOR, GUATEMALA—The rain won’t let up. It muddies the ground and pounds the corrugated metal roof of Angelica Choc’s house on the […]

Mass Participation in Debate on Venezuela’s Socialist Plan
Source: Venezuelanalysis.com The first week of the national debate on Venezuela’s Socialist Plan of the Nation 2013 – 2019 has been marked by mass participation, with citizen assemblies held throughout the country. The debate initiative […]