Tourism in Chiapas: A Conversation with Hermann Bellinghausen

Tourism in Chiapas has become part of the strategy of big business and the government to break the resistance of the Zapatista communities in rebellion, and facilitate their dispossession from their territories. Hermann Bellinghausen, a correspondent in Chiapas for the newspaper La Jornada, talks about the increasing development of tourism in the State and its various implications.


Group Warns of “Natural Resources Giveaway” in Latin America

April 1, 2013 Joe Hitchon 0

Researchers have unveiled new data warning that governments in Latin America are infringing on the rights of their indigenous populations in a bid to fuel development through the extraction of natural resources. The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), a Washington-based organization, says it has documented a “natural resources giveaway” in Latin America, which highlights how an outdated development model is trampling on human rights and the environment throughout much of the region.


Honduras is Open for Business and Repression

Report from a March 16-23 Rights Action educational-solidarity delegation: Before heading off on a 6-day road trip, our group met with Berta Oliva of COFADEH (Committee of Family members of the Disappeared), who described the repression, violence, corruption and impunity. Since the 2009 coup, hundreds of civilians have been the victims of targeted assassinations.


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