Repressive Memories: Terror, Insurgency, and the Drug War in Mexico

October 31, 2013 Dawn Paley 0

What is happening today with regards to the drug war in Mexico has important precedent elsewhere in the hemisphere, namely, in Colombia. There is a legitimate focus on how events in Colombia preceded what is taking place in the “drug war” in Mexico. Key to the importance of Colombia from 2000 onwards in understanding Mexico today is Plan Colombia and the multi-billion-dollar investment the US government made in the war on drugs there.


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Chile: Time for Starbucks to Stop Union Busting

October 24, 2013 ITUC 0

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC ) is extremely concerned about the situation of workers’ rights at Starbucks in Chile. In October, as it announced record profits, the company rejected all Starbucks Workers´ Union demands, […]

This Is Peace: “Walking The Word” in Colombia

October 24, 2013 Chris Courtheyn 0

Organized by the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, 150 people converged upon the village of Rodoxalí to confirm and confront the presence of death-squad paramilitary groups. The pilgrimage was organized in response to reports that four people had been killed, and paramilitaries had kidnapped and disappeared a young man and demanded that the area’s campesinos (small-scale farmers) give them information and supplies. An estimated 28 families subsequently fled their homes in fear.


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