Conflict Over Proposed Dam Flares Up in Guatemala

October 10, 2013 Kelsey Alford-Jones 0

On September 28, community leader Mynor López was walking by the church in Santa Cruz Barillas, Huehuetenango, when he was suddenly seized by men dressed in civilian clothing, taken in a pickup to a waiting military helicopter, and flown to Guatemala City. The response of the population was both immediate and massive. In communities across the region residents took to the streets in peaceful protest, blockading highways and demanding Mynor’s release.


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At the UN, a Latin American Rebellion

October 9, 2013 Laura Carlsen 0

Latin American leaders are reclaiming a right to differentiate their views from Washington’s—and refusing to render it diplomatic tribute. Source: Foreign Policy in Focus Without a doubt, the 68th UN General Assembly will be remembered […]

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