Year: 2013
Pluspetrol Heavily Fined for Irreparable Environmental Damages in the Peruvian Amazon
Source: Alianza Arkana Peru’s Agency for Environmental Evaluation and Control (OEFA), imposed a fine of over 20 million Nuevo Soles (approximately $7,2 million USD) on the oil company Pluspetrol Norte SAC for irreparable environmental damage […]
Honduran Congress will be Transformed
Source: Honduras Culture and Politics Like many others, we have been waiting to hear what the effects would be on the Honduran Congreso Nacional would be from the high voter turnout and extremely split voting […]
Indigenous Continental Summits: The International Politics of Resistance
Indigeneity is not exactly where one looks for world politics. Yet it is probably one of the hip sites of global governance today. Indigenous peoples are engaging in international relations with a vibrancy that belies any perception of their politics as isolated or passive. The Fifth Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples of the Abya Yala, held November 10-15 in Cauca, Colombia, was only the latest expression of Indigenous diplomacy.
National Lawyers Guild Observers Question Validity of Honduran Elections
Source: National Lawyers Guild The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) delegation of 17 credentialed international observers seriously question the validity of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal’s (TSE) preliminary results of Sunday’s national elections in Honduras. The NLG […]
Bolivia: Two Years After Chaparina, Still No Answers
Source: NACLA On September 25, Bolivians marked the second anniversary of events at Chaparina, where national police brutally repressed indigenous marchers protesting the construction of a government-proposed highway through the TIPNIS indigenous territory and national […]
Women, War and Peace: Colombian Women Demand Truth and Justice
November 22, thousands of people, mostly women, united in Bogotá to demand this gender equality as an essential part of the resolution to the conflict. The march was part of worldwide mobilizations surrounding November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In highlighting the connections between gender violence and the Colombian conflict, the November 22nd march sought the elimination of such violence as an essential part of the resolution of the conflict and is a concrete example of women’s important contributions to building sustainable peace.
Honduran Election Results Contested Amid Reports of Fraud, Intimidation
The tallying and transmission of voting results from the November 24 general elections continue, but so do widespread reports of fraud and intimidation throughout Honduras. Two political parties are not recognizing the results, announcing challenges in the courts and in the streets. “They don’t want an example to be set in Honduras where the people kick the oligarchy out at the ballot box and where the system changes in favor of the people,” said Libre party activist Nelson Orestes Canales Vásquez.