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Book Review: Learning from Latin America’s Social Movements

June 10, 2014 David L. Wilson 0

Until the Rulers Obey is a major advance in the effort to acquaint North American leftists with the Latin American grassroots. The book brings together interviews with representatives from some 70 organizations in 15 South and Central American countries, ranging from indigenous women in a Zapatista community in the mountains of southeastern Mexico to members of an anarchist collective in urban Uruguay.


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Mexico’s Biodiversity Under Siege

June 9, 2014 Emilio Godoy 0

(IPS) – The Las Cruces hydroelectric project in the northwestern state of Nayarit is one of the threats to biodiversity in Mexico, according to activists. “It will have an impact on the Marismas Nacionales wetlands […]

Sex Workers Take to the Streets in Honduras to Protest Murders and Discrimination

June 9, 2014 Sandra Cuffe 0

Cries for justice rang out in the streets of the Honduran capital on June 2 as several dozen women of all ages, some with young children in tow, had gathered in a nearby park that morning in preparation for the march. Some donned masks, with multi-colored feathers waving in the air. All wore t-shirts with a message written clearly on the back in pink lettering: We demand the recognition of sex work.


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Book Review: Border Patrol Nation

June 8, 2014 Dawn Paley 0

Todd Miller’s powerful prose belies what one hopes is a growing sense of outrage at the inhuman and racist goals of U.S. border enforcement. His journeys from place to place and the complexities he presents within the Border Patrol itself provide the reader with a comprehensive picture of what’s wrong in the United States.



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