Month: August 2014

Ya son Libres: Inhumación de Víctimas Exhumadas del Antiguo Destacamento Militar de Comalapa
Fuente: Mi Mundo San Juan Comalapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. 18-19 de Julio, 2014. El 18 de Julio, 2014, miembros de la Fundación de Antropología Forense de Guatemala (FAFG) devolvieron a familiares los restos de diez víctimas […]

The Central American Child Refugee Crisis: Made in U.S.A.
Source: Dissent When the long-simmering child migrant crisis bubbled over onto front pages in early June, Republicans predictably pounced on President Obama. The reason, they claimed, for the enormous surge in the number of child […]

We Reap What We Sow: The Link between Child Migrants and US Policy
Seven-year-old children wandering alone through desert landscapes are the result of a long string of events that are now demanding a closer look from mainstream media and a wider audience in the United States. From military coups that overthrew democratically-elected governments to free trade agreements that destroyed the livelihood of countless independent farmers, the U.S. had a hand in many events that shaped Central America.