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Salvadoran Maquila Plants Use Gang Members to Break Unions

March 25, 2015 Edgardo Ayala 0

Textile companies that make clothing for transnational brands in El Salvador are accused of forging alliances with gang members to make death threats against workers and break up their unions. Forced labor is also widespread in the maquilas, where the women have to work 12 hours a day to meet the high production targets set for them.


Two Years of the Autodefensas Movement in Michoacán, Mexico: Persecution and Politics

Two years ago, citizens  of the Mexican state of Michoacán, rose up in armed resistance against the Knights Templar cartel. Sick of the violence, the abuses and the indifference and complicity with which the authorities were treating the narcotraffickers, the citizens decided to solve the problems that none of the three levels of government: municipal, state and federal, had dared to confront up to that date. The Self-Defenses of Michoacán had been born. Two years later, the future of Michoacán and the Autodefensas [Self-Defenses] Movement remains in question.


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Women up in Arms: Zapatistas and Rojava Kurds Embrace a New Gender Politics

March 18, 2015 Charlotte Maria Sáenz 0

Resistance and strength manifest like weeds through cracks in Chiapas, Mexico and transnational Kurdistan where the respective Zapatista and Kurdish resistance movements are creating new gender relations as a primary part of their struggle and process for building a better world. In both places, women’s participation in the armed forces has been an entry-point for a new social construction of gender relations based on equity.


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