Year: 2015
Brazil: The Dictatorship’s Perfect Crime
In São Paulo, bones in a clandestine grave from a cemetery deteriorate while awaiting identification. Among the unidentified skeletons are disappeared political activists, victims of the infamous Death Squad of rogue police active in the 1960s and 1970s, and children who died in a 1970’s São Paulo epidemic of meningitis, which the dictatorship tried to cover up.
Latin America’s Safe Abortion Hotlines: Women Take Reproductive Rights Into Their Own Hands
Abortion is illegal or prohibitively restricted in most of Latin America. While even pro-woman governments and politicians in Latin America struggle against strong opposition to legalizing abortion, women and activists across the continent are safely taking access to chemical abortion out of the clinic and into their own hands.
Battling the Practice of Patriarchy in Bolivia
Source: teleSUR English For much of Bolivian history, women have been marginalized and excluded from society and from formal political power. However, despite centuries of deeply imbedded patriarchal practices, women from rural, mining worker communities […]
Evidence the DEA Attempted to Alter Testimony on Drug War Massacre in Honduras
Source: Americas Program Clara Wood survived a shooting carried out during a joint Honduras-U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) drug interdiction operation in the Moskitia region in eastern Honduras on May 11, 2012. Her 14-year old […]
Honduras: Indigenous Communities Resist Dams in the Face of Threats and Violence
With the Canjel Dam already under construction, one must wonder, why the threats against Berta Caceres and COPINH? The reality is that much more is at stake than just the small Canjel Dam. In fact, there are so many dam projects planned for the area it seems as if every river the Lenca people have carefully stewarded for generations will soon be dammed.
Escaping Economic Orthodoxy in Latin America
An interview with Ha-Joon Chang on the region’s alternatives to the Washington Consensus. “I think on the whole the departure has been a success,” said Chang.
Global Week of Actions against GMO Trees in Brazil Ends in Success
Occupations in Brazil Today Follow Emergency Global Day of Action on March 3 Thursday morning 300 peasants organized by La Via Campesina occupied the meeting of the Brazil National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio) in Brasilia, […]
Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement Blames Federal Institutions for Recent Killing of Land Squatters
A family of six squatting land in northern Brazil was killed on the morning hours of February 17th. This land conflict is emblematic of the larger struggles over land that Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) has been involved in for decades.