Thanks for your interest in becoming a part of Upside Down World. We welcome article submissions and story ideas from anyone, and encourage first time writers as well as long-time journalists and analysts to send us your work. Before getting in touch, please take a look at our About page and go through our articles on a topic or area of your interest to make sure your writing might be a good fit for UDW. As we make clear in our About page, UDW focuses on social movements and politics in Latin America. We are particularly interested in investigative reporting from the ground in Latin America.
If you think your idea or article would work well at UDW, please get in touch! If your submission is not complete yet, please send in a brief pitch, accompanied by a past news clip or sample of your writing, and we can let you know if it interests us.
We accept:
News and analysis articles: We accept news and analysis articles on a wide variety of topics, from protest movements and environmental crises, to US imperialism and leftist political projects. The more you include the voices and views of people most affected by the topic you are writing about, the better. Writers directly involved in the movement or issue you are writing about are welcome to contribute. Please keep your article between 1,000 and 1,500 words long. We accept articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Interviews: Send in interviews with movement leaders, politicians, intellectuals, activists and other people whose views you think would be a good fit at UDW.
Book reviews: Would you like to review a new, recently published, or relevant book? Please send it along to us.
Translations: We love to hear from translators interested in doing work for UDW in general, whether it’s from Spanish or Portuguese to English or vice versa. If so, please let us know your interests and about your experience as a translator. If you have a specific article or interview you would like to translate from UDW or elsewhere, please send this to us with your query. For translation-related correspondence, please send emails with “Translation” in the subject line.
Story ideas/tips: We always appreciate hearing any ideas from readers of stories or topics we should be covering.
Reprints: If you have come across or have written an article you think UDW should republish, please send it along.
Media/educational contacts: If you would like to get in touch with any UDW editors or writers about their work for any reason, please write to us.
Spreading the word: Please tell your friends and enemies about us, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, sign up for our email newsletter, share our website and articles far and wide.
Send all pitches, writing, queries, questions, comments to us at: