Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos rides horseback in front of the Zapatista support base members in La Realidad during an homage to fallen compañero – Galeano – killed in a paramilitary attack against Zapatista members in La Realidad on May 2, 2014. Thousands gathered in La Realidad to show there digna rabia, dignified rage, demand justice and an end to the on-going violence directed towards Zapatista indigenous communities in Chiapas.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos rides horseback in front of the Zapatista support base members in La Realidad during an homage to fallen compañero – Galeano – killed in a paramilitary attack against Zapatista members in La Realidad on May 2, 2014. Thousands gathered in La Realidad to show there digna rabia, dignified rage, demand justice and an end to the on-going violence directed towards Zapatista indigenous communities in Chiapas. The May 2nd attack was the first such attack directly in a Zapatista Caracol – Cultural Center of Resistance and Autonomous Governance. SupMarcos made his final speech as spokesperson for the EZLN and announced that he was being relieved of duty, bringing an end a character that had become a “distraction” to the movement.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos mocks death and flicks off the media.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos salutes the Zapatista support base members in La Realidad during the homage.
Members from distinct social movements gathered with Zapatista support base members in La Realidad during the homage.
Zapatistas insurgents stand guard in La Realidad during an homage to their fallen compañero – Galeano – killed in a paramilitary attack against Zapatista members in La Realidad on May 2, 2014.
Zapatista health promoters gathered in La Realidad to denounce the the killing of fellow Zapatista – Galeano. The Zapatistas have an extensive autonomous health and education system that they built throughout their communities.
Zapatista youth and women form much of the current support base of the rebel organization. They were in La Realidad during an homage to fallen compañero – Galeano.
Zapatista insurgents and Milicia stand in formation in front of the makeshift camp that civil society set up in La Realidad.
Zapatista support base members converge in La Realidad during the homage.
Zapatista support base members brought wreathes and flowers to La Realidad to homor fallen compañero – Galeano.
Young Tojolobal indigenous Zapatista women form a line in La Realidad. Indigenous Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolobal, Chol, Zoque, and Mam peoples form the majority of the Zapatista support base communities. Women and youth have been given many new roles in the civilian structure of the organization.
Zapatista support base members and members of the Zapatista initiative La Sexta converged in La Realidad during the homage.
Thousands of Zapatista support base members form a line in La Realidad in order to visit the grave of Galeano during the homage to their fallen compañero, killed in a paramilitary attack against Zapatista members in La Realidad on May 2, 2014.
Zapatista support base members places stones on the grave of Galeano.
Zapatista support base members salute their fallen compañero.
Subcomandante Insurgente Moises addresses the Zapatista support base members and members of the Sexta initiative in La Realidad during the homage to fallen compañero – Galeano – killed in a paramilitary attack against Zapatista members in La Realidad on May 2, 2014. Thousands gathered in La Realidad to show there digna rabia, dignified rage, demand justice and an end to the on-going violence directed towards Zapatista indigenous communities in Chiapas. The May 2nd attack was the first such attack directly in a Zapatista Caracol – Cultural Center of Resistance and Autonomous Governance. Subcomandante Moises is the Spokesperson and Military leader of the EZLN.