An Unstable Balance in Brazil: Impeachment Proceedings Against President Dilma Rousseff Constitute Parliamentary Coup Attempt

December 16, 2015 Upside Down World 0

“The situation in Brazil today is in a very profound economic, social and especially political crisis. […] There are two very important points: one is the left’s opinion that Dilma’s administration is awful, but that a coup represents Brazil’s dominant political elite’s intent to try to eliminate the PT from the government and introduce a right-wing government, similar to the Paraguayan coup not long ago that deposed Lugo.” – Ricardo Atunes, sociologist at the University of Campinas, Brazil


Brazil’s Law of Terror

December 4, 2015 Upside Down World 0

While Brazil has never officially suffered from a terrorist attack, at the moment the Brazilian congress is debating a counter-terrorism bill that could create further justification for the criminalization of social movements and popular protest.



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