Mother’s Day in Mexico: A Day of Grief and Indignation

May 12, 2013 Upside Down World 0

Mother’s Day in Mexico is considered one of the most important family holidays of the year. However, for many mothers throughout the country, the past several years of Mother’s Day have been “celebrated” with loss, grief, and a dignified rage that has manifested into a tradition of street protests. They are the mothers of victims of forced disappearances.


Michelle Bachelet: Inequality in Chile

May 9, 2013 Upside Down World 0

Center-left coalition leader and former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet looks for a second Presidential term, focusing on themes of inequality, universal education, and tax reform. But have lessons been learned from the previous coalition terms?


Blood Along the Border: Environmental Activism and Violence in Juarez, Mexico

May 8, 2013 Upside Down World 0

Saul Reyes Salazar is a man who understands loss. In January 2010, his sister Josefina was shot in the head, following a botched kidnapping in their hometown of Guadalupe los Bravos, across the border bridge from Tornillo, Texas. She was, at the time, one of the best-known activists in the Juarez Valley, the agricultural region that follows the Rio Grande river east of Ciudad Juarez.


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